Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What about technology?

I am very interested in looking at technology and how it effects the human condition in general. Please answer the following two questions:

1. Do you think that social change is driven by technology or people?

2. Do you think that technology makes life better or worse?

Please provide your reasoning behind your answers. Thank You! ATW

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

IPhone Video 3 - The BrailleNote APEX

Jim Sullivan of HumanWare demonstrates the BrailleNote APEX, a revolutionary product for people how are blind.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Iphone Video 2 - WYNN Literacy Software

The video below is a demonstration of Wynn Literacy Software , a versitle and innovative software package that offers enormous flexibility for the presentation of content and materials.

For the complete demonstration and more information about this outstanding product Click Here

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Iphone Video 1 - The K-NFB Reader

This past week I attended the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) Conference in Orlando, Florida. I did some off the cuff video interviews using my iphone with some of the exhibitors. The iphone did great however my skill is wanting. The important thing is the information. For the next few weeks I will post one of these videos that present some of the latest and greatest technology for people with disabilities.

Below, this first installment features Jim Gashel, Vice President of Development for K-NFB Reading Technology Inc.demonstrates the K-NFB Reader a portable scan and read program for people who are blind or otherwise print challenged.