Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Technology is the Tool

I think it is important that we keep technology in the right place. For all it is worth adaptive technology is simply the vehicle we use to complete a task the human will is still the heart of the matter. Traits and personal attributes like Attitude, instinct, adaptability, grit, drive, ambition, etc., are still the ingredients of success. So, why all the fuss about the technology? Two major reasons; curb appeal and money.

First of all the curb appeal of any new technology is high especially when that technology claims to help people compete who otherwise would not have that opportunity. Yet for all the curb appeal there is still plenty of work involved once the necessary adaptive technology is identified and acquired. In fact acquiring the technology is the easy part. All the AT in the world will not help an individual who has not bought into the program so to speak

The second reason for all the fuss about AT is money. The companies and small businesses that manufacturer and market these products have a lot of money to make and a small population to target. Therefore the prices are high as are the stakes in a very tight niche market. The advertising is great and the promises are greater just make sure you will actually use the device as intended before making a large purchase. SS