Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Adaptive Technology Must be Built-in From the Start!

My previous post points out that Apple Macintosh understands universal design. My question is when will companies that make adaptive software and devices get the picture? These companies have to target such a specialized market (sometimes less than one percent of the overall population) that the prices are sky high for their products. Basic economics, we get it! But this is a huge problem for consumers with disabilities.

True Apple / Mac is a large company making mainstream devices anyway and added the accessibility features later. But one of these Adaptive Technology companies could just turn the model around and take their best package of adaptations and put them into a slick mainstream device with a lower more reasonable price that targets everyone.

My prediction is that the company selling adaptive technology that comes out with what the Japanese call "common use devices" will dominate the market and make record profits in the process. SS

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